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Carbon and HEPA Filtration Technology

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Air filters exist for nearly every application, using a variety of media to capture volatile fumes or particulates. Activated carbon is one of the most common media used in high-performance air filters today and can be used to capture a full range of chemicals, both organic and inorganic. The addition of HEPA and ULPA filtration captures particulates and biological contaminants, and when used in a ductless fume hood, the cabinet is classified as a Class I Biological Safety Cabinet.

The innovative Air Science® Multiplex™ Filtration System, consisting of a pre-filter, main filter and optional safety filter can create a combination of chemical and physical architecture customized to each application. In this system, activated carbon filters can be arranged in single, blended, or layered configurations, combined with one or more carbon filters (stacked) or with added HEPA or ULPA filtration to protect against particulates or biologic contaminants.

Air Science carbon filtration is based on enhanced, activated carbon granule formulations from specially selected, naturally occurring raw material superior to wood or other organic sources. The carbon is treated to attain the proper porosity and aggregate surface area and to react with a wide range of aerosolized chemicals moved through the filter.

  • The Multiplex system permits one or more filtration options to be combined to meet a wider range of multiple-use applications, such as configuring for the capture of acids, bases and particulates such as biological aerosols when paired with HEPA or ULPA filters.
  • The Air Science carbon filter is a self-contained assembly fabricated to fit the specified model and configured to optimize airflow across 100% of the filter surface area for maximum efficiency, prolonged filter life, optimal diffusion and saturation capacity, as well as user safety.

Learn more about our carbon filters.

Air Science Multiple HEPA filters, designed for quality and safety, are manufactured by Camfil Farr®. These mini-pleat filters are engineered without aluminum separators to increase filter efficiency, minimizing the possibility of leakage while prolonging filter life. These HEPA filters also incorporate lightweight aluminum frames, increasing structural stability and eliminating swelling common to conventional wood frames. The filters are also designed with “pour-in-place” silicone gaskets that outperform traditional style stick-on “dove-tail” gaskets.

Not all HEPA filters on the market are of the same quality. Low cost HEPA filters may seem like a bargain if considering price alone, however these lower cost options often exhibit a shorter life and greater potential for leaking, resulting in more frequent filter replacements over time.

To learn more about filter integrity, download our free Ebook.

Air Science is the single source supplier for all pre-filters and carbon filters used in its products, plus those of many other manufacturers. Your air filtration system is designed to protect you, the environment and the work surface from contamination. Air Science air filters are built to exacting standards utilizing the highest quality materials while adhering to all industry testing standards.

Contact us to learn more about your filtration options or to request a quote.